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When spiritual teachings collide with scientific knowledge and ancient writings, that is what you’d call a breakthrough. Richard Rudd from the United Kingdom is no stranger to such a wonderful coming together, as he is the soul behind the Gene Keys, a wisdom-infused synthesis that helps people from every corner of the globe know more about themselves and the world. His encounter with Romania has a special seat reserved in his heart, since this is one of the places that have embraced the teachings of the Gene Keys so early on and so eagerly. Fast forward to the present day, Richard’s interactions with Romanians have been a cauldron of continuous growth and transformation for both parties. Find out more about how the people and the culture touched Richard, what he observed in the Romanian people and what are his hopes for this special place in episode 15 of the Wo/anderers podcast.

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Read the full conversation from “Episode 15: Gene Keys magic in Romania” with Richard below.

Daniela: [00:00:00] You’re listening to the Wo/anderers podcast, Episode 15.

Daniela: [00:00:30] Richard Rudd is a writer, poet and teacher from the United Kingdom, most known for the Gene Keys, a holistic knowledge system that he put together by connecting spiritual insights and scientific matters, or, as he calls it, by building a body of living wisdom. His teachings were avidly adopted by Romanians in their early days, so much so that there is a vibrant and ever growing community around the Gene Keys in Romania at this point in time. Richard got to know the country and its quirky people up close at the advice of a friend and this entire experience has given him the opportunity to notice growth right before his eyes, both within himself as a person and in those coming through the Gene Keys community. This promises to be a conversation that will touch everybody where it is needed since Richard scoops some important gems in the interview about slowing down, the role of contemplation, healing, understanding and cherishing our ancestral history. And, of course, he talks about love. Enjoy the show.

Daniela: [00:01:41] Hello, Richard, welcome on the podcast.

Richard: [00:01:44] Very happy to be here.

Daniela: [00:01:45] Well, I think it’s going to be a very interesting conversation, especially starting from the fact that you have a pretty impressive resume with a long list of achievements and rich life experiences from being a mystic, an explorer, a specialist in sacred writings, an award winning poet, an author, and the creator of a transformative system called the Gene Keys. So would you as a child have imagined that this would be what you would be doing in life?

Richard: [00:02:12] No, not really. I thought I was going to be a wine merchant, actually.

Daniela: [00:02:16] That is… maybe… around the sacred realms?

Richard: [00:02:20] Yeah. [laughing]

Daniela: [00:02:20] Wine is quite ritualistic. So maybe there was something there. Well, where did this inclination towards the esoteric come from?

Richard: [00:02:26] I think it came in my early 20s, really, when I came across some some friends who had come back from China. And they were… They have been studying Tai Chi, actually. And that was like early, when Taichi was beginning to come over here, to the west. And so, you didn’t see it that often. But I watched them do their performance and it was… something caught me. And I think it just triggered an interest that was already latent in me. And so I wanted to explore those things. So I started to explore some of those Chinese teachings and teachers. And that ended up on a whole journey of me going to America and going to Thailand to find teachers like Mantak Chia. And I studied with him for many years and with other teachers as well. And that’s… and then, my interest grew and grew and yeah. Eventually I ended up doing what I’m doing now.

Daniela: [00:03:24] Correct. I mean, the creative pinnacle of your mystical experience and insight has taken you to shape what you ended up calling the Gene Keys transmission or the teachings. And basically, those who have interacted with the Gene Keys would call it the system. But I think most of them refer to it, as you call it, a journey of transformation and evolution through, what you say, contemplation and love.

Richard: [00:03:48] Yeah!

Daniela: [00:03:48] Out of everything.

Richard: [00:03:50] That’s love, really. Ultimately, isn’t… aren’t these the most ancient…the things we hear from the great mystics of the world? Like it’s all about self-love and unconditional love. And so, I’m just another repetitive mystic, but sharing it in a new way through a new set of tools, but also standing on the shoulders of great people who have come before me and great teachings as well, such as the Chinese I Ching, which has been a great inspiration for me and and many other systems as well, which I’ve amalgamated and synthesized and always… more from, perhaps, from a right brain perspective. So, those who are looking for, like, scientific avenues, that’s not really what I offer. I’m an experiential-based teacher and I’m interested in people having real life transformations, you know, that affect their everyday life. So dealing with things from anxiety to relationship trauma, which is a specialized area for me, and then also a lot of spiritual questions that people have about life. What is my purpose? What is the purpose of life? Why is… Why does suffering exist? You know, all of these kind of [questions], but not as a philosophy, but as a real question to ask. So as you said, yes, my technique, my central technique as a teaching is about contemplation, the art of contemplation. So that’s where I’ve kind of put my flag in the ground. Contemplation is a beautiful means of accessing the core wisdom that anyone has. And so it’s very easy. Very, very, very, very simple. So anyone, a child can learn to contemplate. But it’s about doing it regularly in your everyday life so that you create a pathway to the core of your being. And that requires that you kind of create spaces in your day and in your life of quietness so that that wisdom can come out and then has… You know, once you begin to unlock that, there’s nothing in the world that you can’t resolve. There’s no difficulty that the art of contemplation cannot resolve. So I’m excited because I realize that I’ve hit upon a universal ancient pathway that’s very simple. And anyone, even stupid modern people, and I include myself in that, can I can do this.

Daniela: [00:06:18] Beautifully put. So, how did the Gene Keys and the art of contemplation relate to one another and fuel one another?

Richard: [00:06:24] Yeah, well, contemplation, as I said, it requires a slowing down so that you can access the wisdom inside you, and you can do it on its own in that respect, you can… You learn the technique of pausing, and then in those pauses, by creating those pauses in your day, you then… You greatly increase the possibility of breakthroughs, what I call “Pivot”, pivoting in your life. And… But you have to create the pauses. So there’s… There’s different… Also other things you can do through the art of contemplation. You can also contemplate and I should say it’s not a mental thing, although it may start and it may sound like a mental thing and it often starts with you thinking about something. But as you think, you go deeper, your mind then drops deeper into a… And takes a journey into your emotional realm, which then goes even deeper and saturates your whole body. And actually your physical body, it’s like it has an effect on your… On your biorhythm and on your… On everything from how you sleep to, you know, the pulse of your heartbeat to your breathing patterns. So that’s one thing. But then, the other side of my teachings involve the Gene Keys. And the Gene Keys are a set of tools to contemplate. So in a way, if contemplation is the kind of technique, then the Gene Keys are something kind of powerful to contemplate. So they give you a language and a framework and a structure to contemplate over a long period of time. And that’s the sort of secret, because contemplation is not a fast thing. It’s a slow burn. Right? To really, you know, like, to find inner peace. You can’t, you know, it’s not a quick thing. It takes years. You have to heal traumas deep inside. You have to get past and through the mind and through the emotional things that we’ve imprinted as a child and all of that. So the Gene Keys give you a framework, the set of teachings that give you a framework that kind of holds your mind and your emotions so that you kind of have enough calm and enough rhythm and structure so that you… So that the magic thing can occur. So in a way, they’re like the scaffolding and a certain point you don’t need the scaffolding anymore. But it probably… You probably need it for some considerable amount of time, years, before you begin to drop into the core wisdom that lies inside because there’s a lot of healing that’s to take place. So, yeah, the Gene Keys is a… Is a lot of words and a lot of stuff, but that’s great for the mind because it then just goes, Ok, I’m going to… I’m going to study this or I’m going to absorb this. And while the mind is doing that, the heart is finding its own way and its own peace. And so, it’s a little bit of a trick.

Daniela: [00:09:09] I was thinking about it more as an anchor as well, because in a way, the mind would need that rigor, that support, to be able to allow for deeper contemplation to take place and, in the end, for better realizations to come to the surface.

Richard: [00:09:23] Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Daniela: [00:09:25] So through your own journey with the Gene Keys, you ended up interacting with Romanians and with the country on a personal level as well. So in this case, is Romania the one that found you or did you find Romania?

Richard: [00:09:38] I think we found each other through a dear friend of mine, Andrew Fretwell, who was teaching in Romania. And… And he told me about Romanians. [laughing] He said “you need to meet these people because they… They are…They’ve taken really deeply your teachings”. And he was sharing them. And so I… So I came to Romania, as you know, I’ve been a few times. And it was true. Like I’d never come across anyone, any single culture that took these teachings in so readily with such a hunger, but such and such passion and such an openness, because it’s like, that was a really sweet thing as a teacher to experience. That openness, that open heartedness. And then the first time I gave a talk in Bucharest, there were like old ladies sitting in the front of the audience and kids and like, I don’t think there were any animals. But I kind of wouldn’t have been surprised. And I loved that kind of real atmosphere. So, yeah, I, I get on very well with what is the culture and the Romanian people.

Daniela: [00:10:51] Oh, that’s actually one of the questions that I had. How did the people in Romania first react to the Gene Keys? Like how did they receive the spiritual teachings? Because indeed, the setting of it might sound as already being done, because the Romanian people do have a spiritual way about going through life and they are deeply rooted in their ancestral traditions. You see it on the blouses, like people still sew the patterns and all the symbols on their sleeves, basically. But it’s something else to… To experience things in the in the more open, international manner.

Richard: [00:11:24] And I think, you know, it’s like, it’s still very new. It’s very recently that Romania has come out from under the shadows of the communist regime. And it’s like holding up a basketball underwater. For a long time, it’s like, you know, when it’s released, there’s this sudden, like explosion of… You can’t, you know… It shows… It showed me and shows me constantly that the Romanian people have an incredible spiritual kind of legacy deep in their blood. And I found it also in other Eastern European countries because it was [also a communist region]. But Romania was a little bit… Each one is different, right? Each culture is different. And I’ve been really fascinated and loving the slightly different… The different nuances of different cultures in Eastern Europe. But the Romanians sort of came first for me. So they have a special place in my heart in that respect. And yeah, I love the passion and the people and I love the country and the nature. And I would love to experience that more, actually. And so, it is on my list of wishes.

Daniela: [00:12:37] Well, you never know. You never know what’s going to come up next.

Richard: [00:12:39] No, exactly.

Daniela: [00:12:40] And today there is a diverse Romanian Gene Keys ambassador team working directly with your teachings, who is expanding the space that you initiated, of transformation and evolution. So how has their presence enriched the global Gene Keys community as a whole?

Richard: [00:12:56] Yeah, greatly. I mean, again… But I should be honest, like in the beginning it was chaos.

Daniela: [00:13:04] Isn’t it? Isn’t that the case every time? In the beginning there is chaos and entropy. And then there is…

Richard: [00:13:09] That is a pattern. And I think it was particularly pronounced in Romania because with all this energy and passion, everyone kind of got hold of this teaching and then set off in their own direction. And I love that kind of innovative spirit that’s very much part of the Romanian way, I think. But what you ended up with was a lot of people going off in separate directions and actually competing with each other.

Daniela: [00:13:34] Hmm. Sounds familiar.

Richard: [00:13:35] Yeah. So there was a time where it was kind of chaos on that level and I was just watching the movie and going, “oh my goodness”, you know, “should I try and do anything about this?” And then we’d hear about these sort of conflicts and things, but then, over time, there was a maturing. And then, yes, as you said, some really great leaders, committed people kind of dug in to the teachings and and really started to model them in their everyday lives. And as you know, one of the central premises of the Gene Keys is this word “synarchy”, which is a kind of higher expression for working together in coordination at a higher level and transforming collective patterns have been… Being available to transform collective patterns, which takes a lot of… Takes a rare leader to be able to do that. So, yeah, I saw… I was really delighted to see this kind of core group of powerful, empowered people that were really digging into the teachings and loving them. And that’s what kind of brought this stability because they’ve begun to work together. And it’s been a really wonderful thing to see, actually. It’s like a great model for the rest of the world to see how you can overcome differences and, you know, harness that competitive energy. But instead of fighting against each other, to begin to bring it together and use it for one powerful direction, working together. So it’s been a really good… It’s been a really good role model group in Romania seeing that happen. And I’ve been really inspired by it, actually, personally.

Daniela: [00:15:15] Yeah, the competitive spirit, that’s why I said it sounds familiar is…

Richard: [00:15:18] Yeah.

Daniela: [00:15:19] I think it’s plaguing at the moment the Romanian society, because people, instead of using that energy to fire up their path to greatness, to excellence, because that is what it is about. In the end, you want to be the best. You want to show and put out what you have, like the best thing that you can put out. But instead, and indeed, most likely due to communism, probably not only, but for the times that we’re living, because of communism, it has been entrenched in us, I would say, that you need to fight one another to get to the top. And if you don’t get to the top, then there is this feeling of scarcity which still dominates the culture. To a certain extent, things are changing. But I’m happy that the team modeled this transformation in itself.

Richard: [00:16:02] Very much. Yeah, very much. And I feel really proud of that group as well. And therefore, of all the Romanians who are kind of participating in that process. And I really encourage it. I really do my best to encourage it more and more because it’s a kind of model of prosperity, isn’t it? And we all know it inherently. It’s not kind of anything new. But if we work together, um, we actually all prosper.

Daniela: [00:16:30] Correct. And in 2015, because you mentioned that you came to Romania quite some times, in 2015, the Gene Keys ambassadors invited you to Romania for a special retreat about the Venus Sequence from the Gene Keys which focuses on people’s relationships and their heart opening up the world. And in a way, you were presented with a situation where your heart needed to open in this new experience. So what kind of energy did you sense in Romania the first times that you got there? How did you perceive the places, the spaces, and maybe especially now in Sinaia in 2015?

Richard: [00:17:05] Hmm. Well, that was kind of a crazy retreat of three or four days. It was crazy because it was so big. It was like three hundred people or so in a huge room in a hotel. And so… A lovely place. And I learned a valuable lesson from that, which is don’t do retreats of that size because it was, you know, I mean, we had a really good team and it was very well organized and the teaching itself was good. And yet there was… There were some flare ups that took place that were challenging for, firstly, for me, but also for others. If you have that amount of people, it is very difficult in a live context to create a safe space for everyone. However, we did the best we did. And it was a very… It was a life transforming weekend. And I know that many people came to Romania from outside and experienced Romania for the first time. So I introduced a lot of friends and I kind of wanted that, you know, wanted more people to sort of come to Romania and meet my Romanian friends and kind of be inspired by your, you know, your kind of energy. And so it definitely created that and created a really rich kind of learning environment. But, yeah, it was… It had its challenges and great lessons for all of us, I think. But yeah, I look back to that time really fondly.

Daniela: [00:18:30] So except for the number of people that would attend the retreat, which lessons… Which were the most important lessons for you personally?

Richard: [00:18:40] I think, well, there was one which was, you know, in Romania, like, I had never kind of experienced what it was like to be a celebrity before. But in Romania, in that group, I felt like a celebrity. And I was like, wow, this is what it feels like to be a celebrity. And everyone really wanted that book signed. And I was really happy to do that because you get to actually meet people and look in their face and kind of ask them their name and have a few words. It was a really nice time and way to connect with people. And so that was one thing. But then there was a lot of, you know, I didn’t really know how to handle that. Not that I handled it in a bad way, but I think I overstretched myself a little bit. So that was a good lesson for me. And then the other one was when I was challenged openly in the group about something. And it wasn’t an area that I… It was an area I felt comfortable with. And so it was OK. It was… But it was also distracting. But I think it was a… I guess it was a good… I guess it was an instance in which I had to model the teaching live in the split second moment that I was challenged and… Which I did, I feel I did quite… Kind of coherently and authentically. And so it was a great teaching for me and for others, I think. And I, I…You can’t sort of, you know, wherever you go, those things happen anyway. But it’s not necessarily something that I’d want to kind of set up again for myself or the group, because it did… It was again, it was like… It’s difficult to create a feeling of real safety with a group of that size. And so I realized for me, you know, I’m actually better at working with smaller groups of, you know, more of a friendship, kin group where I can, you know… I’m not that kind of global teacher kind of guy. Actually, I’m more of a friend and I need to know people and look at their faces and be able to connect with them. And it’s that level that I kind of feel like I’m better at working. So I learn that for myself.

Daniela: [00:20:46] Well, there is a greater sense of intimacy, I would say, in these kind of spaces versus presenting to a crowd, which obviously has its own purpose. But…

Richard: [00:20:57] Yeah.

Daniela: [00:20:58] I can understand that.

Richard: [00:20:59] There are people who really have that gift and they’re able to switch off, you know, so and… Whereas I, I like to connect. So it’s difficult to do them both. So for me, it’s easier to, I think… It’s why… It’s why out of that really came my decision to create an ambassador program, a program where I could actually gather more committed people around me, friends who I could work with in more depth and smaller groups. And so, that’s why. So that’s a great thing that came out of that. And now also we have a guide’s program as well. So we now have two tiers of… Not like hierarchy, but we have guides which are… So we have a program. I don’t know if you know that, Daniela, if you’ve explored that yet, but it’s a really nice program that kind of shows that any person who’s interested in the Gene Keys how to take it out there into the world, into their life, and how to potentially make a business out of it. And… But it’s more to do with modeling it than any kind of techniques, although you do learn some. So it’s more of an unlearning program than a learning program. And so… And it’s very, very new as well. But it’s quite exciting because it means that now we have the capacity for lots of people to take the Gene Keys out there. But they all… The central kind of induction has been about embodiment, embodiment of the teachings to know how to, like I just explained, to know how to deal with a difficult situation in the moment and to model the kind of compassion that’s at the core of the system. And, you know, what we call the Gene Keys approach. We call it the Gene Keys approach, which are four principles of inquiry, contemplation, gentleness, and patience. And those four, used together, really kind of encompass the essence of what this is all about.

Daniela: [00:22:55] It’s about walking the talk.

Richard: [00:22:57] Yeah, which is why inquiry. Because if something comes up in your life, you’re invited to kind of inquire into it rather than project out as, you know, whether it’s blame or whether you get caught in a thing with someone. And you may. But it’s really about what’s the source of this in me? What am I learning for me, other shadows for me to look at and what are they? And that’s the primary journey of Gene Keys. And so, the inquiry drives you back inside to look at your own issues so that, therefore, every difficult circumstances or challenging circumstance in your life becomes a pathway towards deeper self inquiry.

Daniela: [00:23:38] That’s such a great lesson, really, for the entire world. And we can see it today as well in terms of division and anger and frustration and everything, just like you said. Taking a moment, pausing and questioning what is going on, just having that understanding. It’s very needed. And that kind of takes me to the next question, which comes up really nicely, because within the Gene Keys, there is the concept of the hologenetic profile which tells the story of the person’s journey or the soul energy within the lifetime. And one important part of the story is condensed in what is called what you named the Activation Sequence. So we talked about the Venus sequence. Now we have the Activation Sequence, which has the story told based on six lines that derive from the I-Ching that you mentioned as well, numbered from one to six. And in the case of Romania, the Gene Keys ambassadors had some very insightful videos about Romania’s profile, which is a three-five profile. So from your understanding of this energy, what does the… What does that say about the energy of Romania if it has a three five imprinting?

Richard: [00:24:49] Yeah, well, essentially, that’s kind of… That’s like a, you know, a black sheep.

Daniela: [00:24:57] Oh, cool? [laughing]

Richard: [00:24:59] In the human family. So, it’s like if you’re, you know, the three-five represents the black sheep or it represents the, you know, the creative rebel. And so, it has an upside and it has a downside. And the downside we already discussed, like it can be that kind of competitive, self-destructive, you know, energy that goes back inside itself, that actually can harm itself unless it’s creative and unless it’s rooted in a kind of wider vision of love. And so, when you look at those lines, you know, as you said, there are six lines. And so, there’s the two lines that are the three and the five, and they both have different stories. And the third line is the one that’s the most changeable and adaptable. And so, you know, I guess if that’s true, that the Romanian people are represented by those two lines, and it fits very well, I would say, then, you know, the need to adapt, to change quickly is, which I believe is exactly what’s happened in your country in the last 20, 30 years… To really be able to adapt fast is an incredible gift. And yet, there needs to be this rooting in the fifth line principles. And the fifth line is a leader, right? So the third line is the kind of rebellious one, but the fifth line is the leader. So there’s the potential for Romania to be a a world leader, you know, and in some way, like a really powerful force of…for change, a beneficial change through that fifth line. And so… But yeah. So that’s all about principles. It’s all about having high principles and being rooted in those principles, and kind of solid in those principles. And therefore, you know, using the gift of adaptation to be able to share those principles outward, outward in the world, to model it. So to be able to role model how, potentially, how a society can work together. This is what happens when a society works together. And we all have… We all have a common higher mission, which would be harmony or essentially something like that, some higher principle of harmonic society where prosperity is shared. So, yeah, I think that there’s a, you know, it’s a powerful… That’s a powerful profile to have for a country.

Daniela: [00:27:23] It definitely brought its… Both its ups and downs, if we look at the history of Romania, if we think about all of the trauma that has been encapsulated in the place, but at the same time, the greatness that Romanians have brought into the world, if you think about scientists or artists or it’s something really interesting to contemplate as well, on a different level. I know that one of the themes that comes with this profile is self acceptance and self-love. Those are… It’s a huge theme. And we even had one public figure that came out with… I wouldn’t call it a slogan, but more of his motto, something that he keeps repeating whenever he has a chance. Romania doesn’t need to be changed to be loved. Romania needs to be loved to change. And it hits exactly this mark. So how have you seen this within the Romanian people, the struggle for self-acceptance and for self-love?

Richard: [00:28:19] Well, I think it’s there in every culture and every culture has its traumas, you know, that it’s trying to overcome. You know, I’m an Englishman, so I know well the English traumas, you know, the colonial, you know, traumas that we’ve created. And so, each culture has that, has those challenges. And, you know, if it’s caught in those two lines, then the trauma really are about… The Romanian people would be about guilt, overcoming the guilt of the past and the shame and being able to forgive each other and not… And, you know, the danger is with that very fast pace of change, is that the wounding and the trauma of the past gets kind of swept under the carpet and not dealt with. So then it comes out all over the place. So every culture needs ways to transmute those traumas of the past. And it’s the same with an individual, the same. A good example is like a wounded animal or something. You know, if that animal can’t kind of be cared for and can’t care for itself in the right way, it can’t heal properly. And so, it needs… It requires gentleness. It requires a lot of patience. It requires a lot of understanding. And so, it’s the same for a culture, a whole culture. And so, there are lots of ways in which that can happen. You know, the arts are very, very good way for a culture to kind of explore its own wounding, whether it’s through so many different arts, whether it’s musical, the traditions, you know, it’s important that the traditions in a country and the roots don’t get lost as well. And therefore, the more… I mean, the Indigenous traditions, the older traditions, and that they’re not kind of… Everything is sort of modernized too quickly.

Daniela: [00:30:11] Tossed away.

Richard: [00:30:12] Yeah. And so, those beautiful dances and the music and that wisdom of the folk wisdom and the connection to the land itself and, you know, the plant law and all those things that are a deep part of your culture are really important to be brought forward into the new kind of millennium or whatever, the new vision. But I would say also the arts are really key. You know, and they are a really good way for a culture to heal itself by exploring, by really putting a lot of energy into, like exploring the arts, whether it’s theater, music, film, you know, all of them, art itself, poetry. You know, you have some great poets in your past. And all of that stuff is literature. It’s all kind of there to be, you know, shared, discovered, explored. Yeah. You know, wounds, you know, trauma are physical. And so they’re held collectively in a race as well, in a species, in the whole…in a whole culture. So obviously, you know, that needs to be understood at some level by our culture. I think, you know, at the moment in the world, we don’t really get that. Our modern societies don’t get the importance of that. Only smaller kind of groupings or indigenous groupings really understand how to heal a culture through being connected to the Earth, particularly in its rhythms and its, you know… Yeah, but I think we’re going to have to learn, you know, through our mistakes, as we always have.

Daniela: [00:31:41] Interestingly enough, I think that is what is happening today. People seem lost in the chaos and they are coming to the understanding that there is something that they need that is beyond the daily, beyond the job, beyond the getting home, getting on the sofa, watching TV, eating, eating dinner out, like takeout. It is important for those teachings that we have passed on from generation to generation, from the depth of time. We don’t even know since when they are there, to come back and to guide us into understanding ourselves and regaining that purpose, I think. And interestingly enough, I did want to bring the conversation to ancestral goals because two important ancestral goals that have animated the Romanian soul for millennia are unity and freedom, which are two concepts that are, I know, are very close to your heart. So talking about the first one, how did you perceive the idea of unity in Romania or from Romanians?

Richard: [00:32:40] Not sure how to answer that. I think it’s, you know, I think it is there in the land itself, it is there in the stories that are held in the collective psyche of the people, it is there through the presence of the illuminated ones of the past, the Saints, the wise women who are still remembered, many of them and revered in your churches and in your, you know, the… Those kind of… Those powerful people who’ve represented, you know, light in the darkness, in the dark times, those heroes and heroines, they’re kind of… They are really important part of having a vision of unity, to remember them and to kind of honor them and to honor the, you know, those… The earth itself and the ancestors, those. You’ve got some very powerful land and forests and mountains and a beautiful landscape and kind of, you know, that’s where we plug into unity as a field. And so, obviously, many of us kind of have unplugged a bit from that because most of the energy is taking place in cities and now online and through technology. And it has its advantages. But it also… So… And it gives us a sense of kind of false unity in some respect, because… It’s false, because it’s not in… Sometimes… It’s just not connected to the earth itself. So, for example, we all buy our phones and we connect through the Internet and… But then the cost of the actual energy, providing us all these services is taking away from the earth herself. So that’s why some kind of deep understanding is needed where we’re giving back to the earth and in the Gene Keys, I call this the principle of Syntropy where we consider… It’s like sustainability, but it’s taken to a spiritual level as well. Like how, in whatever you’re doing in your business, in your life, how can you give back, you know, how can you honor the Source in everything you do? And I think that’s where you plug into the unified field by kind of modeling that in your life and remembering that, you know, that’s what those saints and people represent. They represent selfless service. So that’s the kind of… I think that’s, you know… And that doesn’t negate freedom, although sometimes people think it does. Some people think that service does not equate with freedom because freedom sounds like it’s this individual thing where I can do what I want. And partly it is that. But that’s a very narrow vision of freedom. I feel like the deepest freedom is when we’re really living through our heart, because then many of the… We don’t carry so many of the worries, you know, that kind of… That most people carry, you know, because we’re in service. And I think that’s the vision of unity to which the whole world needs to plug into. And it’s there and inside human beings. It’s there already. It’s just like, in Gene Keys when you do this Activation Sequence, the real reason for that is to plug into your purpose, your core purpose. And your core purpose is always some form of service to the whole. And through that service comes your freedom, know? But if you try and find the freedom without the service, you will go astray, you know, and you will pursue a false freedom that isn’t actually the real thing. Because if you’re just taking from the world and from life and from others to feed yourself, even though there’s like, there might be excitement in that and success, you know, material success or brief moments of emotional fulfillment… And it’s you know… There’s going to remain in you a restlessness, always. You will never, ever find peace because freedom is always rooted in a sense of serving the whole, true freedom. It’s a sort of irony. It’s a sort of paradox. But you can only really know that when your heart starts to heal and then you find your purpose in you as some form of service and you do… Syntropy becomes a part of your nature, to give back and and to honor those who came before and to honor those who are wounded and those who are less fortunate and all of that kind of stuff. That’s part of the… Part of what we need to remember again, in our societies,

Daniela: [00:37:26] Which is interesting, because actually thought about this topic quite a lot, I contemplated probably [laughing] on this difference between… In English, I think it’s a bit difficult to have the same kind of word pair relationship between concepts because you say, well, through freedom, people understand it as individual, “I do whatever I want”, limitless exhibition of my capacity in whatever form that might take. Whereas in Romanian it’s funny because we do have “libertate”, which is freedom. And then we have “libertanism”, which is exactly the the wrong idea of freedom, it’s libertarianism. It’s exactly that carelessness. It implies a certain level of carelessness for the whole. So, a fascinating concept. It’s a fascinating understanding that I feel is trickling down within the world more and more, in different areas. So that gives us something to be hopeful for. But indeed, this connection with the past and this understanding that there needs to be a balance between making way for the new, but at the same time respecting deeper principles that have passed the test of time and to incorporate all of these. And speaking of freedom itself, one question that I would like to ask you is from a specific point of view, because in the case of Romania, history has recorded so many invasions and political conquests and divisions and intense challenges, communism being only one of many pages of history that the Romanian people have suffered, that the idea of freedom might be a bit too far from people. They might be exhausted and thinking, well, this game is never ending and we’re here for so, so long and we haven’t achieved that freedom that we keep saying, we even have it in our national anthem. That is the main thing. Don’t be slaves, don’t be victims, be free. So what would you recommend from your experience and from your feeling on it, for Romanians to… How can they get closer to this idea of freedom, to the true idea of freedom?

Richard: [00:39:26] I think, you know, it’s funny in the modern world that we tend to equate freedom with kind of efficiency and getting things more quickly and speed. You know, like the freer you are, the quicker things happen, the freer… The more freedom you’ll have. It never happens. It never works like that. It’s just an addiction. So actually, true freedom requires that we slow down. You know, it requires, you know, a more ancient approach. It requires that we kind of come into these contemplative spaces together and that we create… We deliberately create spaces where we can be silent, where we can feel awe, where we can unplug from the speed of the modern culture so that we can, you know, we can then kind of attune ourselves back to the earth, back to Gaia. And from there we can begin to hear clearly again and we can begin to heal these wounds. But I would say, you know, because Romanians move very, very fast. And so, the one thing that perhaps they need the most is to learn to give themselves times when they don’t move at all, when they completely slow down, because that speed is like that addictive quality of life. “I’m going to get there. I’m going to get there. I’m going to get freedom. I’m going to get there. I’m going to get there. If I go faster, I’ll probably get there.” And the opposite is the truth. So it’s a kind of paradox. But it’s not only Romanians. It’s… But it is very strongly embodied by your culture. But it is also in the world as a whole. You know, if you do go back to Indigenous societies and, you know, you kind of go and live among those people, they move more slowly and they aren’t in such a hurry and they live more simply. And I’m not trying to fantasize or glamorize that kind of way because often they’re quite poor as well. But there’s a lot we can learn from that pace and living at that pace. So it’s about breaking the addiction, I think. There’s a a mistake that the mind makes. There is a psychosis in the mind, in the human mind that causes separation between the state we’re looking for and the idea of it. And so we… That’s why, you know, the most I feel I can do as a human is if I can help more people find the art of contemplation, then I’m helping more people slow down. And in doing that… That doesn’t mean their lives are less efficient, but they’re much more efficient because when you go very fast, you miss things all the time. You actually create more complexity for yourself. You don’t even stop to think whether this is the right thing, you know, so you’re only interested in growth and more, I want more. Faster, more, more money because you think that’s going to give the freedom. But it doesn’t. It makes everything more complicated. So the thing that, actually, that we’re really looking for is this slowing down, is this savoring, is this appreciating, is this, you know, breathing again and, you know, eating good food and, you know, like spending time with each other, cultivating friendships, laughing, you know, being with animals. But, you know, sharing… These are like essential human principles that are being overlooked because of, you know, the psychosis. So, yeah, if you could help the Romanians slow down, I think they will reap the rewards hugely. And as I said, slowing down actually is what brings more clarity. And with clarity comes, you know, really good decisions, you know. And with good decisions comes efficiency and less complexity. So, you know what is especially needed in business.

Daniela: [00:43:34] Definitely. But see, you’ve brought your wine merchant inclinations to your teachings. I mean, this is… This is exactly it. The things that take time, taste better and are better for your body.

Richard: [00:43:47] Yeah.

Daniela: [00:43:48] And there is a certain patience that you also mentioned quite, quite sometimes in your work that people need to remember, too, because that will… That will lead them to where they actually want to be, not with the quick fixes, not with the… Because everything that people do, I feel in the general sense in the world, the speed is caused by a lack of being seen, a lack of love. And they feel that if they get that next promotion because they overworked themselves to almost death or if they make these sacrifices, then they will be seen and loved. But not everybody has that kind of path. Not everybody has the same story. So it’s… I think especially in the case of Romanians, it is a very important lesson to learn. And in this sense, I want to ask you a question about… We go back to Sinaia. But you actually, as far as I understood from the other Gene Keys ambassadors, when you connected with energy of the place and only after you did that, you told people that you feel Gene Key 13… So from the 64 Gene Keys that are out there, that Gene Key 13 would be the one that Romania can focus on as a whole because it would have the most benefits to reap. How did you connect to the energy and why Gene Key 13?

Richard: [00:45:01] Well, I think we… I think we ran a chart about the foundation of Romania and that key came up and then it felt… We were really thinking about it, contemplating it together. And we thought that, of all the 64 keys, that one fitted really well. And in the original I Ching it was called the Fellowship Of Man or the Fellowship is about fellowship. And this is kind of a mystic number, 13, as well. And in the Gene Keys, it’s about empathy, it’s about listening, and it’s about coming together in a circle, which is what the 13 represents, the 12 disciples around the Christ or the the 12 around One. It’s an ancient geometry. And so, that 13 is the hub and the hub is the vision of the dream of the people and or the individual. You know, the individual’s dream, but it’s the council fire of the elders coming together to hear each other’s stories and to heal the wounds of the past and to decide where to go together in the future. So it is…It is a beautiful metaphor, in a way, for your nation and your culture. And it kind of gave me the idea that perhaps every nation has its own key. And wouldn’t it be interesting for those nations to find out what those keys are and then look at them as a whole around the world, see? Well, what what gift does each culture hold in the whole and in the land itself? What does it lend itself to? So it’s like, you know, Romania brought me and hundreds of others from around the world to come and sit in a circle and listen to each other and to contemplate the trauma of our relationships, in individuals, but also as groups, as nations. So in a way, Romania could see herself as a kind of United Nations type place, you know, where all the different colors of all the cultures could come and listen and be heard by the elders, you know, by the land, by the earth itself. And these stories could be shared. To me, it felt that would feel like a really good slowing down, like if, you know, because it’s like, bring people here and listen to them. To listen requires to slow down, to stop your own inner process and hear what other people have to say and what are their wounds and how, you know, and just in the listening itself, so much healing takes place. So I feel like what kind of happened through my little journey with the Gene Keys in Romania could happen on a wider level. You know, how it set off in one way very fast with lots of people going individually in their own directions. And then because of a few very strong embodied leaders who came together, the whole thing started to create more coherence. So what you probably need is strong leaders to come together, who are role models, who are leaders that the young people listen to, leaders that the older people, generations listen to, leaders for women leaders, for black people, leaders for ethnic minorities, leaders of all those places to come together in a circle and listen to each other and then say, OK, how shall we bring the whole culture together, you know, and work as a group of leaders. And therefore, begin to kind of create council fires everywhere, if you know what I mean, like, create that energy of listening, you know, so that all the different places where the trauma lives can be heard and then healed. And then, you know, then that’s when the freedom comes. That’s when unity comes. Unity comes through healing our wounds, which means we have to listen to them first. And that’s the biggest step, is just gathering people and creating a place where they can be heard. So I’d say that would be a really good vision, actually, for any country, but particularly good for Romania.

Daniela: [00:49:10] It’s fascinating because in fact, the first European institution actually happened, took place in Galati, which is a port city in Romania. So you’re not far away from the historical truth.

Richard: [00:49:23] So, yeah, if the leaders in the different areas could come together around that kind of vision, I think it would have such a powerful impact and it would be in deep resonance with the DNA of the people.

Daniela: [00:49:34] And the last question of this interview, what is your wish for Romania and for the Romanian people?

Richard: [00:49:40] Well, it’s exactly that, like I just said: my wish is that all that passion and the people can be focused, so, it can be focused into healing the past and bringing a vision for the future. I mean, it’s not rocket science doing this, but it just takes, in the beginning, as I said, it takes some strong leaders to come together and they have to come together across multiple fields. They can’t be in a political arena only, they have to come together across lots of different fields so that there’s no kind of one at… One leadership kind of group. And it’s not about that either. It’s just about listening and so, that those past wounds could be healed. And then, I would love it if Romania could be a role model for other nations. You know, I see that as a possibility. And I always have. Ever since I first went, I thought, wow, this country, even though it’s small and seemingly insignificant in the world stage, you know, compared to China, America, India, you know, those vast nations, it could have a vast impact. If the people were able to take all that passion and work together, then a small nation could have a huge impact. And, you know, and it’s often the way as well. It’s often the, you know, the nations or the groups or the people that do that have that capacity to create a new imprint for the world. So perhaps there’s no mistake. There are no mistakes ultimately that, you know, Romania is one of the first places that the Gene Keys landed because it’s so transformational inner teaching that could really help the world, you know, heal. It’s kind of ancient wounding. So, yeah, that’s my wish and my hopes for your country. And also all countries.

[00:51:32] Beautiful. Thank you, Richard.

Richard: [00:51:34] My pleasure. Daniela.

Daniela: [00:51:39] Thank you for tuning in to Episode 15 of the Wo/anderers podcast. Breathe in, breathe out. How was that for a conversation? And you can dive deeper into the Gene Keys and pick Richard’s brain at That is, which will be linked in the show notes as well. If you liked the episode, share it around on your social media or just tell people about it in the good old fashioned way, to let people be touched by the social interaction as well. Furthermore, you know where to find us via our website, and we’re on Facebook and Instagram too. And if you have an international story about Romania that you feel is podcast-worthy, don’t keep it for yourself. Write to us at That is, Thanks for listening and la revedere.

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