The world's first podcast about internationals and  in 🧡 Romania

Wo/anderers is a curiosity-based conversation and podcast that explores the lives of internationals who have a special place for Romania in their hearts.

Honoring a centuries-old connection between Romanians and internationals. Creating a place in Romania that internationals can call home. Paying homage to the rich and crazy Romanian culture.

A space for real connection and discovery

Internationals experience Romania in infinite, interesting ways. The Wo/anderers podcast aims to create a space where these personal stories can live and contribute to what Romania can mean to people – by seeing its culture, people, history, and rich tradition in a fresh, new way.

Internationals in the spotlight

Creating a helpful, welcoming community around discovery
Coming to Romania can be a bit more special than visiting London or Paris. The cultural impact can feel like walking into the unknown. To make the best our of such an experience, internationals need guidance and support. That is what we are here to do! Wo/anderers aims to make internationals feel properly at home, with everything that a “home” entails: great stories, lively memories, a space where to vent if needed (no home is perfect), and people who are there when you need them.

Reflection for Romanians

One of the best ways to learn about oneself
Romanians have a crazy thirst for knowing what other people think of them. That is actually one of the first questions that internationals get asked when they experience Romania: “What do you think of my country?” Romanians can treat this as a great opportunity to put things into perspective. Listening to others’ thoughts trains both our empathy and our critical thinking. In the end, not all opinions are equal. But what matters is what we end up resonating with. Wo/anderers wishes to offer a virtual reflection space for Romanians to better understand who they really are.

The next Wo/anderers episode will air in


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Imagine coming together around the campfire with millions of people from all around the world, listening to stories full of insight, passion, awe, and adventure. That is the experience you are living when you are tuning in to our podcast. There are millions of inspiring Romanian adventures out there and we want to honor them all. So far, we are celebrating:

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